* Create a security plan for a home network.
* Configure the wireless access point (AP) portion of a multi-function device using security best practices.
Background / Preparation
A well-planned security implementation is critical to the safety of a wireless network. This lab goes over the steps that must be taken to ensure the safety of the network using the following scenario.
You have just purchased a Linksys WRT300N wireless router, and you want to set up a small network in your home. You selected this router because the IEEE 802.11n specification claims that it has 12 times the speed of an 802.11g and 4 times the range. Because the 802.11n uses 2.4 GHz, it is backward compatible with both the 802.11b and 802.11g and uses MIMO (multiple-in, multiple-out) technology.
You should enable security mechanisms before connecting your multi-function device to the Internet or any wired network. You should also change the default values provided, because they are well-known values that are easily obtainable on the Internet.
The following resources are required:
* Windows-based computer
* Linksys WRT300N
* Straight-through Ethernet cable
Step 1: Plan the security for your home network
1. List at least six security best practices that you should implement to secure your multi-function device and wireless network.
1) Kurangi kekuatan pancar antena WAP
2) Berikan security code
3) Aktifkan MAC address filter.
4) Ganti Password default
5) Disable Broadcast SSID
6) Disable DHCP Server
2. Describe what the security risk is for each item.
1) bila kekuatan pancar antena di perkecil maka hanya gedung itu saja yang dapat menerima sinyal dari antena WAP, tanpa bisa di akses oleh orang lain
2) Bagi orang yang tidak paham teknologi akan kebingungan dalam memberikan security code.
3) Jika seandainya MAC address seseorang client pernah diblokir pada suatu tempat, akan tetapi belum dibuka kembali maka tidak bisa digunakan pada tempat akses lain.
4) Jika password pada default diganti, akan susah mengetahui paswor yang baru jika tidak dikonfirmasikan terhadap teknisi.
5) Jika tidak diaktifkan kembali, maka titik access tidak dapat diditeksi oleh wireless adapter.
6) Jika di disabledkan maka hanya IP address yang telah diregisterkan yang bisa mengakses jaringan, sehingga jaringan tidak bersifat bebas layaknya wi-fi zone pada umumnya.
Step 2: Connect a computer to the multi-function device and log in to the web-based utility
1. Connect your computer (Ethernet NIC) to the multi-function device (port 1 on the Linksys WRT300N) by using a straight-through cable.
2. The default IP address of the Linksys WRT300N is, and the default subnet mask is The computer and Linksys device must be on the same network to communicate with each other. Change the IP address of the computer to, and verify that the subnet mask is Enter the internal address of the Linksys device ( as the default gateway. Do this by clicking, Start > Control Panel > Network Connections. Right click on the wireless connection and choose Properties. Select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and enter the addresses as shown below.
3. Open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Firefox and enter the default IP address of the Linksys device ( into the address field and press Enter.
4. A screen appears, requesting your user name and password.
1. Leave the User name field blank and enter admin for the password. It is the default password on the Linksys device. Click OK. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive.
2. As you make the necessary changes on the Linksys device, click Save Settings on each screen to save the changes or click Cancel Changes to keep the default settings.
Step 4: Change the Linksys device password
a. The initial screen displayed is the Setup > Basic Setup screen.
b. Click the Administration tab. The Management tab is selected by default.
c. Type in a new password for the Linksys device, and then confirm the password. The new password must not be more than 32 characters and must not include any spaces. The password is required to access the Linksys device web-based utility and Setup Wizard.
4. The Web Utility Access via Wireless option is enabled by default. You may want to disable this feature to further increase security..
5. Click the Save Settings button to save the information.
NOTE: If you forget your password, you can reset the Linksys device to the factory defaults by pressing the RESET button for 5 seconds and then releasing it. The default password is admin.
Step 5: Configure the wireless security settings
1. Click the Wireless tab. The Basic Wireless Settings tab is selected by default. The Network Name is the SSID shared among all devices on your network. It must be identical for all devices in the wireless network. It is case-sensitive and must not be more than 32 characters.
2. Change the SSID from the default of linksys to a unique name. Record the name you have chosen:
3. Leave the Radio Band set to Auto. This allows your network to use all 802.11n, g, and b devices.
4. For SSID Broadcast, select the Disabled button to disable the SSID broadcast. Wireless clients survey the area for networks to associate with and will detect the SSID broadcast sent by the Linksys device. For added security, do not broadcast the SSID.
5. Save your settings before going to the next screen.
Step 6: Configure encryption and authentication
1. Choose the Wireless Security tab on the Wireless screen.
2. This router supports four types of security mode settings:
· WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
· WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) Personal, which uses a pre-shared key (PSK)
· WPA Enterprise, which uses Remote Access Dial In User Service (RADIUS)
d. Select WPA Personal Security Mode.
e. On the next screen, choose an Encryption algorithm.
To secure a network, use the highest level of encryption possible within the Selected Security mode.The following Security Modes and Encryption levels are listed from least secure (WEP) to mostsecure (WPA2 with AES)
· TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)
· AES (Advanced Encryption System)
• WPA2
AES is only supported by newer devices that contain a co-processor. To ensure compatibility with all devices, select TKIP.
f. For authentication, enter a pre-shared key between 8 and 63 characters. This key is shared by the Linksys device and all connected devices.
g. Choose a key renewal period between 600 and 7200 seconds. The renewal period is how often the Linksys device changes the encryption key.
h. Save your settings before exiting the screen.
Step 7: Configure MAC address filtering
1. Choose the Wireless MAC Filter tab on the Wireless screen.
2. MAC address filtering allows only selected wireless client MAC addresses to have access to yournetwork. Select the radio button to Permit PCs listed below to access the wireless network. Click the Wireless Client List button to display a list of all wireless client computers on your network.
3. The next screen allows you to identify which MAC addresses can have access to the wireless network. Click the Save to MAC Address Filter List check box for any client device you want to add, and then click the Add button. Any wireless clients, other than those in the list will be prevented from accessing your wireless network. Save your settings before exiting the screen.
Step 8: Reflection
1. Which feature that you configured on the Linksys WRT300N makes you feel the most secure and why?
MAC address filtering. Alasannya karena pada aplikasi ini terdapat sebuah pilihan untuk memberikan izin access kepada client yang telah terlebih dahulu alamat IP dan MAC address nya dicantumkan atau didaftarkan.
2. Make a list of other items that could be done to make your network even more secure.
Pada pengaturan wireless kita pilih wireless security dan security modenya kita ganti dari disabled menjadi WEP sehingga dapat memberikan kunci berlapis. Atau pada system operasi windows biasa kita aktifkn juga menu firewall dan kita aktifkan juga menu SYS.
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Lab 7.2.6 Configuring a Wireless Client
• Install and configure a driver for a wireless USB NIC for a wireless client computer.
• Determine the version of the driver installed and check the Internet for updates.
Background / Preparation
In this lab you will install a driver for a wireless USB NIC in a computer. The driver is a type of software that controls the wireless NIC. The driver comes on a CD with the NIC or can be downloaded from the Internet. Many manufacturers require that the driver is installed before the adapter is connected. The procedure described in this lab is for a Linksys USB 802.11g wireless NIC, but is similar to others. You should always follow the procedure recommended by the wireless NIC manufacturer.
The following resources are required:
• Windows XP-based computer with an available USB port
• Wireless USB NIC and associated driver
• Administrator rights to install the driver
• Linksys WRT300N with wireless access configured from previous lab
Step 1: Install the wireless NIC driver
a. Insert the CD that contains the wireless NIC driver into the CD/DVD drive and install the driver according to the manufacturer recommendations. Most USB devices require that the driver be installed before the device is physically attached. Note that you may do part of the installation process now and part of it after the wireless NIC is installed.
b. Who is the manufacturer of the wireless NIC?
c. Describe how you installed the wireless NIC driver.
Jawab :
pertama penginstalan driver yang ada pada CD/DVD yang sudah di sediakan oleh produsen wireless NIC tersebut, memasangkan perangkat UCB. Cara penginstalannya adalah:
o Masukkan CD.
o Buka webrowser yaitu mozilla kemudian masukkan alamat default IP-nya.
o Kemudian buka menu setup, seting sesuai kebutuhan. atur penggunaan IP static atau automating, dan tentukan range IP yang diizinkan mengakses.
o Kemudian buka menu wireless, atur network mode (ex: mixed), nama SSID, Radio band, dan yang terakhir enable kan SSID broadcast.
o Atur Security
o Save setup.
Step 2: Install the wireless NIC
a. When prompted, connect the USB NIC cable to an available USB port. Click Next to continue.
Step 3: Attach to the wireless network
a. Most wireless NIC adapters have client software to control the NIC. The software shows any wireless networks that are discovered. Select the SSID of the wireless network that you configured on the AP in a previous lab.
b. Which SSID are you using?
c. If the wireless NIC did not connect to the wireless network, perform the appropriate troubleshooting.
d. What is the signal strength for the wireless NIC
e. Did the wireless NIC see any other wireless networks in the area?
Why or why not?
Karena pada tempat tersebut ada jaringan wireless lain
f. Show your active wireless connection to a fellow student or the lab assistant.
g. What is another name for a wireless host?
Elo_1Tes, elktronika UNP, elektronika1, elektronika2
h. Is it better to use the client software from the wireless NIC manufacturer or let Windows XP control the wireless NIC?
Jawab:lebih bagus menggunakan software bawaan dari NIC
Step 4: Determine the NIC driver version
a. Hardware manufacturers continually update drivers. The driver that ships with a NIC or other piece of hardware is frequently not the most current.
b. To check the driver version for the NIC you installed, click Start, select Control Panel and then Network Connections. Right-click on the wireless connection and select Properties. Click the Configure button for the NIC and then the Driver tab. What is the name and version of the driver you installed?
Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
Step 5: Determine if the NIC driver is the most current
a. Search the NIC manufacturer web site for drivers that support the wireless NIC you installed. Are there more current ones available?
- Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
- Marvell Yukon 88E8039 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller
b. What is the most current one listed?
- Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
c. If there is a more current driver, how would you apply it?
uninstal driver tersebut
Step 6: Verify connectivity
a. Once you have installed the NIC, it is time to verify connectivity with the Linksys WRT300N.
b. Open a web browser such as Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
c. In the address line type, which is the default setting on the AP.
d. In the Connect to dialog box, leave the username text box empty, and type admin in thepassword text box. Leave the Remember my password checkbox unchecked. Click OK.
e. If you receive the Linksys Setup screen, you have established connectivity with the AP. If you do not establish connectivity, you will have to troubleshoot the connection by checking to ensure the devices are turned on and the IP addresses on all devices are correct. Which IP address should be configured on the wireless NIC?
Pada saat kita masuk pada pengaturan Linksys pada acses point, kita harus menyeting pada menu set up range IP yabg mana saja yang di izinkan untuk mengakses jaringan tersebut.
Step 7: Reflection
a. Do you think the process of setting up a wireless network at a food store or book store is any different from what you just did?
sama dan tergantung dari kebutuhan
Why or why not?
karena masing-masing mempunyai kebutuhan masing-masing
b. Do you think the AP model that you are using would be sufficient for the food store in your neighborhood? Why or why not?
Jika di toko buku dan toko makanan menggunakan PSK (Pre shared- Key), jadi pengunjung yang ingin menggunakan jaringan di berikan key atau password untuk wireless AP dapat mengontrol pengaksesan pada jaringan
• Install and configure a driver for a wireless USB NIC for a wireless client computer.
• Determine the version of the driver installed and check the Internet for updates.
Background / Preparation
In this lab you will install a driver for a wireless USB NIC in a computer. The driver is a type of software that controls the wireless NIC. The driver comes on a CD with the NIC or can be downloaded from the Internet. Many manufacturers require that the driver is installed before the adapter is connected. The procedure described in this lab is for a Linksys USB 802.11g wireless NIC, but is similar to others. You should always follow the procedure recommended by the wireless NIC manufacturer.
The following resources are required:
• Windows XP-based computer with an available USB port
• Wireless USB NIC and associated driver
• Administrator rights to install the driver
• Linksys WRT300N with wireless access configured from previous lab
Step 1: Install the wireless NIC driver
a. Insert the CD that contains the wireless NIC driver into the CD/DVD drive and install the driver according to the manufacturer recommendations. Most USB devices require that the driver be installed before the device is physically attached. Note that you may do part of the installation process now and part of it after the wireless NIC is installed.
b. Who is the manufacturer of the wireless NIC?
c. Describe how you installed the wireless NIC driver.
Jawab :
pertama penginstalan driver yang ada pada CD/DVD yang sudah di sediakan oleh produsen wireless NIC tersebut, memasangkan perangkat UCB. Cara penginstalannya adalah:
o Masukkan CD.
o Buka webrowser yaitu mozilla kemudian masukkan alamat default IP-nya.
o Kemudian buka menu setup, seting sesuai kebutuhan. atur penggunaan IP static atau automating, dan tentukan range IP yang diizinkan mengakses.
o Kemudian buka menu wireless, atur network mode (ex: mixed), nama SSID, Radio band, dan yang terakhir enable kan SSID broadcast.
o Atur Security
o Save setup.
Step 2: Install the wireless NIC
a. When prompted, connect the USB NIC cable to an available USB port. Click Next to continue.
Step 3: Attach to the wireless network
a. Most wireless NIC adapters have client software to control the NIC. The software shows any wireless networks that are discovered. Select the SSID of the wireless network that you configured on the AP in a previous lab.
b. Which SSID are you using?
c. If the wireless NIC did not connect to the wireless network, perform the appropriate troubleshooting.
d. What is the signal strength for the wireless NIC
e. Did the wireless NIC see any other wireless networks in the area?
Why or why not?
Karena pada tempat tersebut ada jaringan wireless lain
f. Show your active wireless connection to a fellow student or the lab assistant.
g. What is another name for a wireless host?
Elo_1Tes, elktronika UNP, elektronika1, elektronika2
h. Is it better to use the client software from the wireless NIC manufacturer or let Windows XP control the wireless NIC?
Jawab:lebih bagus menggunakan software bawaan dari NIC
Step 4: Determine the NIC driver version
a. Hardware manufacturers continually update drivers. The driver that ships with a NIC or other piece of hardware is frequently not the most current.
b. To check the driver version for the NIC you installed, click Start, select Control Panel and then Network Connections. Right-click on the wireless connection and select Properties. Click the Configure button for the NIC and then the Driver tab. What is the name and version of the driver you installed?
Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
Step 5: Determine if the NIC driver is the most current
a. Search the NIC manufacturer web site for drivers that support the wireless NIC you installed. Are there more current ones available?
- Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
- Marvell Yukon 88E8039 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller
b. What is the most current one listed?
- Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter
c. If there is a more current driver, how would you apply it?
uninstal driver tersebut
Step 6: Verify connectivity
a. Once you have installed the NIC, it is time to verify connectivity with the Linksys WRT300N.
b. Open a web browser such as Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
c. In the address line type, which is the default setting on the AP.
d. In the Connect to dialog box, leave the username text box empty, and type admin in thepassword text box. Leave the Remember my password checkbox unchecked. Click OK.
e. If you receive the Linksys Setup screen, you have established connectivity with the AP. If you do not establish connectivity, you will have to troubleshoot the connection by checking to ensure the devices are turned on and the IP addresses on all devices are correct. Which IP address should be configured on the wireless NIC?
Pada saat kita masuk pada pengaturan Linksys pada acses point, kita harus menyeting pada menu set up range IP yabg mana saja yang di izinkan untuk mengakses jaringan tersebut.
Step 7: Reflection
a. Do you think the process of setting up a wireless network at a food store or book store is any different from what you just did?
sama dan tergantung dari kebutuhan
Why or why not?
karena masing-masing mempunyai kebutuhan masing-masing
b. Do you think the AP model that you are using would be sufficient for the food store in your neighborhood? Why or why not?
Jika di toko buku dan toko makanan menggunakan PSK (Pre shared- Key), jadi pengunjung yang ingin menggunakan jaringan di berikan key atau password untuk wireless AP dapat mengontrol pengaksesan pada jaringan
Lab 7.2.5 Configuring a Wireless Access Point
· Configure the wireless access point (AP) portion of a multi-function device to allow access to a wireless client.
Background / Preparation
The Linksys WRT300N includes an integrated 4-port switch, a router and a wireless Access Point (AP). In this lab, you will configure the AP component of the multi-function device to allow access for wireless clients. The basic wireless capabilities of the multi-function device will be configured but this will not be a secure wireless network. Setting up a secure wireless network will be covered in a later lab. The following resources are required:
· Windows XP based computer that is cabled to the multi-function device
· Linksys WRT300N
Step 1: Verify connectivity between the computer and the multi-function device
a. The computer used to configure the AP should be attached to one of the multi-function device’s switch ports.
b. On the computer, click the Start button and select Run. Type cmd and click OK or press Enter.
c. At the command prompt, ping the multi-function device using the default IP address or the IP that has been configured on the multi-function device’s port. Do not proceed until the ping succeeds.
d. Write down the command used to ping the multi-function device
NOTE: If the ping is not successful, try these troubleshooting steps:
· Check to make sure the IP address of the computer is on the network. The computer must be on the same network as the multi-function device to be able to ping it. The DHCP service of the multi-function device is enabled by default. If the computer is configured as a DHCP client it should have a valid IP address and subnet mask. If the computer has a static IP address, it must be in on the network and the subnet mask must be
· Make sure the cable is a known-good straight-through cable. Test to verify.
· Verify that the link light for the port where the computer is attached is lit.
· Check whether the multi-function device has power. If none of these steps correct the problem, check with your instructor.
Step 2: Log in to the multi-function device and configure the wireless network
a. Open a web browser. In the address line, type http://ip_address, where ip_address is the IP address of the wireless router (default is At the prompt, leave the user name textbox empty, but type the password assigned to the router. The default password is admin. Click OK.
b. In the main menu, click on the Wireless option.
c. In the Basic Wireless Settings window, the Network Mode shows mixed by default, because the AP supports 802.11b, g, and n wireless devices. You can use any of these standards to connect to the AP. If the wireless portion of the multi-function device is NOT being used, the network mode would be set to Disabled. Leave the default of Mixed selected.
d. Delete the default SSID (linksys) in the Network Name (SSID) textbox. Enter a new SSID using your last name or name chosen by your instructor. SSIDs are case-sensitive.
e. Write down the exact SSID name that you are using.
f. Click on the Radio Band drop-down menu and write down the two options.
g. For a wireless network that can use 802.11b, g, or n client devices, the default is Auto. Auto allows the Wide Channel option to be chosen and gives the best performance. The Standard Channel option is used if the wireless client devices are 802.11b or g, or both b and g. The Wide Channel option is used if only 802.11n client devices are being used. Leave the default of Auto selected.
h. SSID Broadcast is set to enabled by default, which enables the AP to periodically send out the SSID using the wireless antenna. Any wireless devices in the area can detect this broadcast. This is how clients detect nearby wireless networks.
i. Click on the Save Settings button. When the settings have been successfully saved, click on Continue.
j. The AP is now configured for a wireless network with the name (SSID) that you gave it. It is important to write down this information before starting the next lab or attaching any wireless NICs to the wireless network.
Step 3: Reflection
a. How many wireless networks do you think could be configured in one classroom? What would limit this?
64 user
Mulai dari –
b. What do you see as a potential security problem when you broadcast your SSID from the AP?
apabila menggunakan jaringan default, maka user yang tidak punya hak dapat mencuri jaringan kita tersebut
· Configure the wireless access point (AP) portion of a multi-function device to allow access to a wireless client.
Background / Preparation
The Linksys WRT300N includes an integrated 4-port switch, a router and a wireless Access Point (AP). In this lab, you will configure the AP component of the multi-function device to allow access for wireless clients. The basic wireless capabilities of the multi-function device will be configured but this will not be a secure wireless network. Setting up a secure wireless network will be covered in a later lab. The following resources are required:
· Windows XP based computer that is cabled to the multi-function device
· Linksys WRT300N
Step 1: Verify connectivity between the computer and the multi-function device
a. The computer used to configure the AP should be attached to one of the multi-function device’s switch ports.
b. On the computer, click the Start button and select Run. Type cmd and click OK or press Enter.
c. At the command prompt, ping the multi-function device using the default IP address or the IP that has been configured on the multi-function device’s port. Do not proceed until the ping succeeds.
d. Write down the command used to ping the multi-function device
NOTE: If the ping is not successful, try these troubleshooting steps:
· Check to make sure the IP address of the computer is on the network. The computer must be on the same network as the multi-function device to be able to ping it. The DHCP service of the multi-function device is enabled by default. If the computer is configured as a DHCP client it should have a valid IP address and subnet mask. If the computer has a static IP address, it must be in on the network and the subnet mask must be
· Make sure the cable is a known-good straight-through cable. Test to verify.
· Verify that the link light for the port where the computer is attached is lit.
· Check whether the multi-function device has power. If none of these steps correct the problem, check with your instructor.
Step 2: Log in to the multi-function device and configure the wireless network
a. Open a web browser. In the address line, type http://ip_address, where ip_address is the IP address of the wireless router (default is At the prompt, leave the user name textbox empty, but type the password assigned to the router. The default password is admin. Click OK.
b. In the main menu, click on the Wireless option.
c. In the Basic Wireless Settings window, the Network Mode shows mixed by default, because the AP supports 802.11b, g, and n wireless devices. You can use any of these standards to connect to the AP. If the wireless portion of the multi-function device is NOT being used, the network mode would be set to Disabled. Leave the default of Mixed selected.
d. Delete the default SSID (linksys) in the Network Name (SSID) textbox. Enter a new SSID using your last name or name chosen by your instructor. SSIDs are case-sensitive.
e. Write down the exact SSID name that you are using.
f. Click on the Radio Band drop-down menu and write down the two options.
g. For a wireless network that can use 802.11b, g, or n client devices, the default is Auto. Auto allows the Wide Channel option to be chosen and gives the best performance. The Standard Channel option is used if the wireless client devices are 802.11b or g, or both b and g. The Wide Channel option is used if only 802.11n client devices are being used. Leave the default of Auto selected.
h. SSID Broadcast is set to enabled by default, which enables the AP to periodically send out the SSID using the wireless antenna. Any wireless devices in the area can detect this broadcast. This is how clients detect nearby wireless networks.
i. Click on the Save Settings button. When the settings have been successfully saved, click on Continue.
j. The AP is now configured for a wireless network with the name (SSID) that you gave it. It is important to write down this information before starting the next lab or attaching any wireless NICs to the wireless network.
Step 3: Reflection
a. How many wireless networks do you think could be configured in one classroom? What would limit this?
64 user
Mulai dari –
b. What do you see as a potential security problem when you broadcast your SSID from the AP?
apabila menggunakan jaringan default, maka user yang tidak punya hak dapat mencuri jaringan kita tersebut
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
Lab 6.2.1 Observing DNS Name Resolution
• Observe the conversion of a URL to an IP address.
• Observe DNS lookup using the nslookup command.
Background / Preparation
Domain Name System (DNS) is invoked when you type a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), such as http://www.cisco.com, into a web browser. The first part of the URL describes which protocol is being used. Common ones are HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer), and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
DNS uses the second part of the URL, which in this example is www.cisco.com. DNS translates the domain name (like www.cisco.com) to an IP address in order to allow the source host to reach the destination host. Work in pairs to complete this lab.
The following resources are required:
• Windows-based computer with Internet connectivity
• Access to the Run command
Step 1: Observe DNS conversion
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and then click OK. The command prompt window appears.
b. At the command prompt, type ping www.cisco.com. The computer needs to translate www.cisco.com into an IP address so it knows where to send the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets. Ping is a type of ICMP packet.
c. The first line of the output shows www.cisco.com converted to an IP address by DNS. You should be able to see the effect of DNS even if your school has a firewall that prevents pinging, or if Cisco has prevented people from pinging their web server.
d. Which IP address is shown on the screen?
e. Is it the same as the one shown in the figure? No it’s not Why do you think this occurred? _
f. Work together with another student and discuss one or two other instances (besides the ping command) in which the computer would use DNS.
DNS.core FTP Lite
Step 2: Verify DNS operation using the nslookup command
a. At the command prompt, type the nslookup command.
b. What is the default DNS server being used? ns4.unp.ac.id
c. Notice how the command prompt changed. This is the NSLOOKUP prompt. From this prompt, you can enter commands related to DNS.
d. At the prompt, type ? to see a list of all the available commands that you can use in NSLOOKUP mode.
e. Write three commands that you can use with NSLOOKUP. _
1.[no]debug :print debugging information, 2.[no]d2 :print exhaustive debugging information
3.[no]defname :append domain name to each query
f. At the NSLOOKUP prompt, type www.cisco.com.
g. What is the translated IP address?
h. Is it the same as the IP address shown with the ping command? _no it’s not
i. At the prompt, type the IP address of the Cisco web server that you just found. You can use NSLOOKUP to get the domain name of an IP address if you do not know the URL.
Using the previous procedures, find an IP address associated with www.google.com. _deploy.akamaitechnologies.com___
Step 3: Identify mail servers using the nslookup command
a. At the prompt, type set type=mx to have NSLOOKUP identify mail servers.
b. At the prompt, type www.cisco.com.
What is the primary name server, the responsible mail address, and the default Time to Live (TTL)? Ns4.unp.ac.id
c. At the prompt, type exit to return to the regular command prompt.
d. At the prompt, type ipconfig /all.
e. Write the IP addresses of all the DNS servers that your school uses. , ,
f. Type exit to close the command prompt window.
Step 4: Reflection
a. If your school did not have a DNS server, what effect would this have on your use of the Internet?
________but my school have a DNS server!!!!
I’m so sorry____________________________________________________________________
b. Some companies do not dedicate a single server for DNS. Instead, the DNS server provides other functions as well. Which functions do you think might be included on a DNS server? Use the ipconfig /all command to help you with this.
• Observe DNS lookup using the nslookup command.
Background / Preparation
Domain Name System (DNS) is invoked when you type a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), such as http://www.cisco.com, into a web browser. The first part of the URL describes which protocol is being used. Common ones are HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer), and FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
DNS uses the second part of the URL, which in this example is www.cisco.com. DNS translates the domain name (like www.cisco.com) to an IP address in order to allow the source host to reach the destination host. Work in pairs to complete this lab.
The following resources are required:
• Windows-based computer with Internet connectivity
• Access to the Run command
Step 1: Observe DNS conversion
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and then click OK. The command prompt window appears.
b. At the command prompt, type ping www.cisco.com. The computer needs to translate www.cisco.com into an IP address so it knows where to send the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets. Ping is a type of ICMP packet.
c. The first line of the output shows www.cisco.com converted to an IP address by DNS. You should be able to see the effect of DNS even if your school has a firewall that prevents pinging, or if Cisco has prevented people from pinging their web server.
d. Which IP address is shown on the screen?
e. Is it the same as the one shown in the figure? No it’s not Why do you think this occurred? _
f. Work together with another student and discuss one or two other instances (besides the ping command) in which the computer would use DNS.
DNS.core FTP Lite
Step 2: Verify DNS operation using the nslookup command
a. At the command prompt, type the nslookup command.
b. What is the default DNS server being used? ns4.unp.ac.id
c. Notice how the command prompt changed. This is the NSLOOKUP prompt. From this prompt, you can enter commands related to DNS.
d. At the prompt, type ? to see a list of all the available commands that you can use in NSLOOKUP mode.
e. Write three commands that you can use with NSLOOKUP. _
1.[no]debug :print debugging information, 2.[no]d2 :print exhaustive debugging information
3.[no]defname :append domain name to each query
f. At the NSLOOKUP prompt, type www.cisco.com.
g. What is the translated IP address?
h. Is it the same as the IP address shown with the ping command? _no it’s not
i. At the prompt, type the IP address of the Cisco web server that you just found. You can use NSLOOKUP to get the domain name of an IP address if you do not know the URL.
Using the previous procedures, find an IP address associated with www.google.com. _deploy.akamaitechnologies.com___
Step 3: Identify mail servers using the nslookup command
a. At the prompt, type set type=mx to have NSLOOKUP identify mail servers.
b. At the prompt, type www.cisco.com.
What is the primary name server, the responsible mail address, and the default Time to Live (TTL)? Ns4.unp.ac.id
c. At the prompt, type exit to return to the regular command prompt.
d. At the prompt, type ipconfig /all.
e. Write the IP addresses of all the DNS servers that your school uses. , ,
f. Type exit to close the command prompt window.
Step 4: Reflection
a. If your school did not have a DNS server, what effect would this have on your use of the Internet?
________but my school have a DNS server!!!!
I’m so sorry____________________________________________________________________
b. Some companies do not dedicate a single server for DNS. Instead, the DNS server provides other functions as well. Which functions do you think might be included on a DNS server? Use the ipconfig /all command to help you with this.
jawaban Quiz chapter 6
1. 1. The part of message that is missing is retransmitted
2. 2. DNS => A user request a website by typping in it’s name
E-mail => Internet protocol enable user to send the message to each other over the internet
File transfer => A user upload new to his or her website
DHCP => A workstation gets its ip address automaticly
Web service => A user types in a URL and a page loads in the client browser
Telnet => A network technician logs into a workstation from the remote site
3. 3. DNS server => translate a domain name to an ip address
Commond DNS port number => 53
Domain name => cisco.com
4. 4. DNS
5. 5. Web server => host a web page
Web client => request a web page
HTML => used to create web page
HTTPS => secure protocol that uses port 443
HTTP=> protocol commonly used by a web browser
6. 6. Protocol used to process e-mail
· POP3
7. 7.VoIP
8. 8.DHCP => 68
DNS=> 53
FTP data=> 20
HTTP=> 80
HTTPS=> 443
POP3=> 110
POP3=> 110
Telnet=> 23
9. 9. FTP, POP3, , DHCP
CCNA Discovery 6
2. e-mail
4. TCP
5. FTP dan SMTP
6. Application, internet dan Network Access
7. UDP will not disrupt the game to retransmit dropped packets.
8. DNS server
9. DNS
11. 25
12. SMTP
13. instant messaging
14. The segment destination port number identifies the application that should handle it.
15. protocol stack
16. source MAC address, destination IP address n destination MAC address
17. source and destination IP addresses
18. 1
19. removes the IP header
20. 1) remove Ethernet header and trailer
2) remove IP header
3) remove TCP header
4) pass data to the application
21. It increases complexity.
22. physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, application
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
Tugas CCNA Chapter 5
Background / Preparation
Network technicians work with binary, decimal, hexadecimal numbers with computers and networking devices. In this lab you will use the Windows Calculator application to convert between the binary, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems. You will also use the powers function to determine the number of hosts that can be addressed based on the number of bits available.
The following resources are required:
• PC with Windows XP installed and functional
Step 1: Access Windows Calculator and determine mode of operation
a. From the Start button menu, select All Programs > Accessories, and click on Calculator. An
alternate method of starting the Calculator application is to access the Start menu, click on Run, type
calc and press Enter. Try both methods.
b. Once the Calculator application opens, select the View menu option.
c. Which mode [Standard | Scientific] is currently active? Mode yang aktif ialah model kalkulator standar.
d. Select the Standard mode. This is a basic mode for simple calculations. How many mathematical
functions are available in this mode?fungsi matematika yang terdapat pada kalkulator standar hanya ada 7 fungsi

e. From the View menu option, select the Scientific Calculator mode.
f. How many mathematical functions are available in this mode? Model operasi matematika pada kalkulator Scientific ada 33 fungsi jika telah aktif semua

Step 2: Convert between number systems
a. Access Scientific mode. Notice the number system modes available—Hex (Hexadecimal), Dec
(Decimal), Oct (Octal), and Bin (Binary).
b. Which number system is currently active? Number system yang aktif pada Scientific mode pada awal pertama dijalankan ialah Dec yang artinya Desimal.
c. Which numbers on the number pad are active in Decimal mode? Pada mode decimal seluruh angka dari 0-9 aktif.
Click on the Bin (Binary) mode radio button. Which numbers on the number pad are now active? Pada mode Binary angka yang aktif hanya 0 dan 1

d. Why do you think the other numbers are grayed out? Karena pada pengoperasian bilangan binary angka yang dikenal hanya 1 dan 0. Pada binary angka yang bisa dioperasikan hanya 1 dan 0.
e. Click on the Hex (Hexadecimal) mode radio button.

f. Which characters on the number pad are now activated? Jika menggunakan mode hexadecimal pada pad number ditamabah dengan aktifnya komponen huruf A, B, C, D, E, F.
g. Click on the Dec radio button. Using your mouse, click on the number 1 followed by the number 5 on
the number pad. The decimal number 15 has now been entered. Click on the Bin radio button.
h. What happened to the number 15 listed in the textbox at the top of the window? Ketika diganti ke mode Bin angka 15 berubah menjadi 1111

i. By selecting different modes, numbers are converted from one number system to another. Select Dec
mode again. The number in the window converts back to decimal. Select the Hex mode.
j. Which hexadecimal character (0 through 9 or A through F) represents decimal 15? Ketika angka 15 dikonvresikan ke hexadecimal yang muncul ialah F.

k. Clear the number 15 in the window. Select Dec mode again. Not only can the mouse be used to enter numbers, but the numerical keypad on the keyboard as well as numbers on the keyboard can also be used. Using the numerical keypad to the right of the ENTER key, type the number 22. Note that if the number does not enter into the calculator, press the Num Lock key to enable the numeric keypad. While the number 22 is showing in the calculator, use the number keys across the top of the keyboard to add a 0 to the number 22 (220 should now be on the calculator). Select the Bin radio button.
l. What is the binary equivalent of 220? Hasil konversi decimal 220 ke Binary menghasilkan 11011100
m. Clear the number 220 in the window. From Binary mode, type in the following binary number:
11001100. Select the Dec radio button.
n. What is the decimal equivalent to the binary number of 11011100? Hasil konversi bilangan Bin 11011100 pada decimal ialah 220
o. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary.
86 | 1010110 |
175 | 10101111 |
204 | 11001100 |
19 | 10011 |
p. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal.
11000011 | 195 |
101010 | 42 |
111000 | 56 |
10010011 | 147 |
Step 3: Convert host IP addresses
a. Computer hosts usually have two addresses, an Internet Protocol (IP) address and an Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address. For the benefit of humans, the IP address is normally represented as a dotted decimal notation, such as Each of the decimal octets in the address or a mask can be converted to 8 binary bits. Remember that the computer only understands binary bits. If all 4 octets were converted to binary, how many bits would there be?karena masing-masing octet terdiri dari 8 bit jika diterjemahkan akan terdapat 32 bit
b. IP addresses are normally shown with four decimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by a period. Convert the 4 parts of the IP address to binary.
Decimal | Binary |
192 | 11000000 |
168 | 10101000 |
10 | 1010 |
2 | 10 |
c. Notice in the previous problem how the 10 converted to only four digits and the number 2 converted
to only two digits. When IP addresses can have any number from 0 to 255 in each position, eight digits are normally used to represent each number. In the previous example, eight digits were needed to convert 192 and 168 to binary, but 10 and 2 did not need as many digits. Normally 0s are added to the left of the digits to have eight digits in binary for each IP address number. The number 10 would be shown as 00001010. Four extra zeros are added to the front of the other four binary digits.
d. On the calculator in Binary mode, enter the digits 00001010 and select the Dec radio button.
e. Which decimal number is equivalent to 00001010? Setelah dikonfersikan kebilangan desimal hasilnya 10
f. Did adding “leading” zeros affect the number any? Tidak, angka nol didepan tidak berpengaruh.
g. What would the number 2 (in the previous example) be if you were to make it eight digits? 00000010
itu hasilnya jika dikonversi kedalam 8 bilangan bit.
Step 4: Convert host IP subnet masks
a. Subnet masks, such as, are also represented as dotted decimal. A subnet mask will always consist of four 8-bit octets, each one represented as a decimal number. With the exception of decimal 0 (all 8 binary zeros) and decimal 255 (all 8 binary ones), each octet will have some number of ones on the left and some number of zeros on the right. Convert the 8 possible decimal subnet octet values to binary.
decimal | binary | |
0 | 00000000 | |
128 | 10000000 | |
192 | 11000000 | |
224 | 11100000 | |
240 | 11110000 | |
248 | 11111000 | |
25 | 11111100 | |
254 | 11111110 | |
255 | 11111111 | |
b. Convert the four parts of the subnet mask to binary.
Decimal | BInary |
255 | 11111111 |
255 | 11111111 |
255 | 11111111 |
0 | 00000000 |
Step 5: Convert broadcast addresses
a. Computer hosts and network devices use broadcast addresses to send messages to all hosts.
Convert the following broadcast addresses.
Address | Binary |
IP broadcast | 11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111111 |
MAC broadcast FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF | 11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111111. 11111111 |
Step 6: Convert IP and MAC addresses for a host
a. Click the Start button, select Run, type cmd, and press Enter. From the command prompt, type ipconfig /all.

b. Make a note of the IP address and physical address (also known as a MAC address).
IP Address: 

MAC Address:

c. Using the calculator, convert the four numbers contained in the IP address to binary.
Ip addressnya ialah
Decimal | Binary |
192 | 11000000 |
168 | 10101000 |
194 | 11000010 |
189 | 10111101 |
d. The MAC or physical address is normally represented as 12 hexadecimal characters, grouped in pairs and separated by dashes (-). Physical addresses on a Windows-based computer are shown in a format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where each x is a number from 0 to 9 or a letter from a to f. Each of the hex characters in the address can be converted to 4 binary bits which is what the computer understands. If all 12 hex characters were converted to binary, how many bits would there be? Akan ada 96 biner yang terbentuk
e. Convert each of the hexadecimal pairs to binary. For example, if the number CC-12-DE-4A-BD-88-34 was the physical address, convert the hexadecimal number CC to binary (11001100). Then convert the hexadecimal number 12 to binary (00010010) and so on. Be sure to add the leading zeros for a total of 8 binary digits per pair of hex digits.
Hexadecimal | binary |
00 | 0 |
16 | 10110 |
44 | 1000100 |
F5 | 11110101 |
F2 | 11110010 |
52 | 1010010 |
Step 7: Manipulate powers of 2 to determine the number of hosts on a network
a. Binary numbers use two digits, 0 and 1. When you calculate how many hosts can be on a subnetwork, you use powers of two because binary is being used. As an example, we have a subnet mask that leaves six bits in the host portion of the IP address. In this case, the number of hosts on that network is 2 to the 6th power minus 2 (because you need a number to represent the network and a number that can be used to reach all the hosts—the broadcast address). The number 2 is always used because we are working in binary. The number 6 is the number of bits that are used for the host bits.
b. On the calculator, in Dec mode, input the number 2. Select the x^y key, the key which raises a number to a power. Input the number 6. Click on the = key, press Enter on the keyboard, or press the= key on the keyboard—all give the total. The number 64 appears in the output. To subtract two, click on the minus (-) key and then the 2 key followed by the = key. The number 62 appears in the output. This means 62 hosts could be utilized.
c. Using the previously described process, determine the number of hosts if the following number of bits are used for host bits.
No. of Bits Used for Hosts | No. of Hosts |
5 | 30 hosts |
14 | 16382 hosts |
24 | 16777214 host |
10 | 1022 hosts |
d. Using a similar technique as learned previously, determine what 10 to the 4th power equals.
Maka diperoleh 9998
e. Close the Windows Calculator application.
Step 8: (Optional) Determine the network number and number of hosts based on subnet mask
a. Given the IP network address of and a subnet mask of, determine the network portion of the address and calculate how many hosts can be created from host bits left.
b. Start by converting the 4 octets of the decimal IP address to binary and then convert the decimal subnet mask to binary. Remember to include leading zeros when converting to binary in order to make a total of 8 bits per octet.
Decimal IP address and subnet mask | Binary IP address and subnet mask | | 10101100.00010000.11001011.00111000 | | 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000 |
c. Align the 32 bits of the subnet mask to the 32 bits of the IP address and compare them. The bits in the IP address that align with the ones bits in the subnet mask represent the network number. What is the binary and decimal network number for this IP address? Determine the binary address first (include all 32 bits) and then convert it to decimal.
Binary network address:
![]() |
Decimal network address:
d. How many ones bits are in the subnet mask? Banyak bit di subnet mask = 2n = 23=8
e. How many bits are left for host bits? Host = 2n-2= 25-2= 30
f. How many hosts can be created with the bits left? Host =2n-2= 211-2= 2046
Step 9: Reflection
a. List one other thing for which you might use the Windows Calculator scientific mode. It does not have to be related to networking.
Fungsi dari kalkulator bawaan microsoft bukan hanya sebagai alat operasi hitung dasar. aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk mengkonversi nilai dari satu satuan ke satuan yang lain.
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