Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

proposal upgrade jaringan dilabor

1.Masalah jaringan karena kegagalan piranti jaringan

Skala gangguan akibat dari kegagalan piranti jaringan juga bisa bervariasi, dari hanya sebuah komputer karena kegagalan NIC – lan card; beberapa komputer karena kegagalan switch; atau bahkan berskala luas karena kegagalan pada switch central yang menghubungkan jaringan server. Untuk kegagalan lan card di salah satu komputer bisa diganti dengan network card cadangan anda.
Terus bagaimana kalau kegagalan jaringan itu akibat kerusakan pada switch? Design anda mengenai redundansi jaringan akan sangat membantu dalam menyelamatkan kegagalan jaringan anda. Kebutuhan load balancing dan redundansi haruslah dikaji untuk setiap kebutuhan berdasarkan penggunaan link redundansi; piranti router; switch dan multi-homed host yang bersifat kritis. Tujuan dari system redundansi ini dimaksudkan untuk menjamin ketersediaan layanan dimana tidak ada satupun titik rawan kegagalan.

2.Hal yang perlu di upgrade yaitu Masalah jaringan karena kegagalan kabel jaringan
Yang ini merupakan masalah jaringan yang umum kita temui akibat putusnya kabel jaringan yang bisa mempengaruhi kinerja sebuah komputer dalam jaringan karena putusnya kabel patch anda karena digigit tikus; masalah jaringan yang berdampak pada satu blok gedung karena putusnya kabel antar switch (uplink cable); atau bahkan berdampak pada sebagian besar komputer dalam jaringan lan anda karena kegagalan backbone cable.
3.anti virus perlu diupgrade untuk memperlancar jaringan

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

CCNA3 - Lab Designing and Creating a Redundant Network

Step 1: Determine the minimum number of links to meet the requirements
  1. Identify the two links to meet requirement 1.
  2. Determine the cost of those two links.
  3. Identify the required links to meet requirement 2, 3, and 4.
  4. Determine if the design is within budget.
Step 2: Implement the design
  1. Using Packet Tracer, create the network including the redundant links specified in Step 1.
Step 3: Verify the design
  1. Do three paths between the east and west coast operations exist?
  2. Does each site have at least two links?
  3. Does each site on the east coast have two paths to the west coast?
  4. Does each site on the west coast have two paths to the east coast?
  5. Will one device failure affect multiple sites?
  1. What network topology was implemented before adding redundancy? Jawaban: Extended Star
  2. What network topology is now implemented after adding redundancy? Jawaban: Partial Mesh
  3. What is an advantage to using the topology implemented after adding redundancy?Jawaban: redundancy minimizes the impact that the failure of a single piece of equipment has on the operation of the network.
  4. What is a disadvantage to using the topology implemented after redundancy was added?Jawaban: the increased cost of providing redundant links and equipment. Smaller companies may not be able to afford the cost.
  5. Why would a company, such as the one in this case, suddenly decide to implement the type of topology used in step b? Jawaban: In this case, the company lost 16 hours of production and $600,000 to the company. No company wants to lose sales or time that causes a loss in profit to their company.

CCNA3 - Lab 5.2.3 Configuring RIPv2 with VLSM, and Default Route Propagation

Step 1: Connect the equipment.
a. Connect Router3 to Router1 and Router2 with serial cables.
b. Connect Router1’s Fa0/0 interface with a straight-through cable to Switch1’s Fa0/1 interface.
c. Connect Router2’s Fa0/0 interface with a straight-through cable to Switch2’s Fa0/1 interface
d. Connect PC1 to Switch1 and PC2 to Switch 2 with straight-through cables.
e. Connect PC3 to Router3’s Fa0/0 interface with a crossover cable.
f. Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the routers and switches.

Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers.
a. Establish a console session with Router1 and configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces as
described in the table. Save the configuration.
b. Establish a console session with Router2 and perform a similar configuration, using the addresses
and other information from the table. Save the configuration.
c. Establish a console session with Router3. Configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces according
to the table. Note that both serials are DCE on this router. Save the configuration.

Step 3: Perform basic configurations on the switches.
a. Establish a console session with Switch1 and configure hostname and passwords according to the
table. Save the configuration.
b. Perform a similar configuration on Switch2, configuring the hostname and passwords as described for
S1. Save the configuration.

Step 4: Configure the hosts with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
a. Configure each host with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Host1 should be
assigned and Host 2 should be assigned /24. Host3, which is used to
simulate Internet access, should be assigned All three PCs use their attached
router’s Fa0/0 interface as the default gateway.
b. Each workstation should be able to ping the attached router. If the ping was not successful,
troubleshoot as necessary. Check and verify that the workstation has been assigned a specific IP address and default gateway.

Step 5: Configure RIP v2 routing
a. On R1, configure RIP version 2 as the routing protocol and advertise the appropriate networks:
R1(config)#router rip
R1(config-router)#version 2
Predict: how will RIP report these subnets in the routing table? As a summary route, as well as individual subnets of the network.
b. From the network commands, which interfaces are participating in RIP routing?
Fa0/0, S0/0/0.
c. Perform a similar configuration on R2, setting the version, advertising the appropriate networks, and turning off auto-summarization
d. On R3, perform a similar configuration. Do not advertise the network.

Step 6: Configure and redistribute a default route for Internet access.
a. From the R3 router to the host simulating the Internet, create a static route to network,
using the ip route command. This will forward any unknown-destination address traffic to the PC
simulating the Internet by setting a Gateway of Last Resort on the R3 router.
R3(config)#ip route
b. R3 will advertise this route to the other routers if this command is added to its RIP configuration:
R3(config)#router rip
R3(config-router)#default-information originate

Step 7: Verify the routing configuration.
a. View the routing table on R3:
R3#show ip route
Gateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 4 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:17, Serial0/0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:12, Serial0/0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
S* [1/0] via
How can you tell from the routing table that the subnetted network shared by R1, R2 and R3 has a
pathway for Internet traffic? Jawaban: There is a Gateway of Last Resort, and the default route shows up in the table.
b. View the routing tables on R2 and R1.
How is the pathway for Internet traffic provided in their routing tables? Jawban: There is a Gateway of Last Resort leading to R3, and the default route shows up as a distributed RIP

Step 8: Verify connectivity.
a. Simulate sending traffic to the Internet by pinging from the host PCs to
Were the pings successful? Jawaban: Ya.
b. Verify that hosts within the subnetted network can reach each other by pinging between Host1 andHost2.
Were the pings successful? Jawaban: Ya.

Step 9: Reflection.
a. How did R1 and R2 learn the pathway to the Internet for this network? Jawaban: From RIP routing updates received from the router where the route was configured (R3).

CCNA3 - Lab Implementing EIGRP

Step 1: Connect the equipment

  1. Connect Router1 to Router2 and Router3 using serial cables.
  2. Connect Router2 to Router3 using serial cables.
  3. Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the routers.
Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers
  1. Establish a console session with Router1 and configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces as described in the table. Save the configuration.
  2. Establish a console session with Router2 and perform a similar configuration, using the addresses and other information from the table. Save the configuration.
  3. Establish a console session with Router3. Configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces according to the table. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Configure EIGRP routing with default commands
  1. On Gateway, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks.
Gateway(config)#router eigrp 100
Predict: How will EIGRP report these subnets in the routing table?

Step 4: Configure MD5 Authentication
  1. Create a keychain named discchain.
  2. Configure a key 1 that has a key string of san-fran.
  3. Enable the workgroup router to utilize EIGRP MD5 authentication with each of your EIGRPneighbors and to use the keychain icndchain.
Step 5: Reflection
  1. What is the importance of enabling authentication on the routing updates?
Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router1 to Router2 and Router3 using serial cables.
  2. Connect Router2 to Router3 using serial cables.
  3. Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the routers.
Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers
  1. Establish a console session with Router1 and configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces as described in the table. Save the configuration.
  2. Establish a console session with Router2 and perform a similar configuration, using the addresses and other information from the table. Save the configuration.
  3. Establish a console session with Router3. Configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces according to the table. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Configure EIGRP routing with default commands
  1. On Gateway, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks.
Gateway(config)#router eigrp 100
Predict: How will EIGRP report these subnets in the routing table?

Step 4: Configure MD5 Authentication
  1. Create a keychain named discchain.
  2. Configure a key 1 that has a key string of san-fran.
  3. Enable the workgroup router to utilize EIGRP MD5 authentication with each of your EIGRPneighbors and to use the keychain icndchain.
Step 5: Reflection
  1. What is the importance of enabling authentication on the routing updates?

CCNA3 - Lab EIGRP Configuring Automatic and Manual Route Summarization and Discontiguous Subnets

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router1 to Router2 and Router3 using serial cables.
  2. Connect Router2 to Router3 using serial cables.
  3. Connect a PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the routers.
Step 2: Perform basic configurations on the routers
  1. Establish a console session with Router1 and configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces as described in the table. Save the configuration.
  2. Establish a console session with Router2 and perform a similar configuration, using the addresses and other information from the table. Save the configuration.
  3. Establish a console session with Router3. Configure hostname, passwords, and interfaces according to the table. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Configure EIGRP routing with default commands
  1. On Gateway, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks.
  2. On Branch1, configure EIGRP as the routing protocol with an autonomous system number of 100, and advertise the appropriate networks:
  3. Perform a similar configuration on Branch2, using EIGRP 100 and advertising the appropriate networks.
Step 4: Verify the routing configuration
  1. View the routing table on Gateway.
  2. Which subnets are not reported in this output? Jawaban: The subnets configured for the and networks are absent.
  3. Why are there two paths reported for the route? Jawaban: Because no bandwidth commands have been configured, EIGRP has two equal-cost paths to report.
Step 5: Remove Automatic summarization
On each of the three routers, remove automatic summarization to force EIGRP to report all subnets. A sample command is given for Gateway.

Step 6: Verify the routing configuration
View the routing table again on Gateway.

Step 7: Configure manual summarization
On Branch2, configure manual summarization to force EIGRP to summarize only the subnets.

Step 8: Reflection
  1. Although removing automatic summarization solved the issue of missing subnets, what possible problem could it cause? Jawaban: The routing table is very long, and that will slow down the lookup process.
  2. How could removing automatic summarization help in troubleshooting an EIGRP network?Jawaban: Checking the output against all possible subnets will reveal which subnet(s) are missing. Those are the connections and configurations that need to be checked.
How did the use of loopback interfaces make this lab easier to complete? Jawaban: Less equipment required, less time to set up and cable equipment.

CCNA3 - Lab 6.2.1 Configuring and Verifying Single Area OSPF

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router 1 Serial 0/0/0 interface to Router 2 Serial 0/0/0 interface using a serial cable.
  2. Connect Router 1 Fa0/0 interface to Switch 1 Fa0/1 port using a straight-through cable.
  3. Connect each PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the router and switches.
  4. Connect Host 1 to the Switch 1 Fa0/2 port using a straight-through cable.
  5. Connect a crossover cable between Host 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of Router 2.
Step 2: Perform basic configuration on Router 1
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Router 1 with a hostname, interfaces, console, Telnet, IP addresses, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram. Save the configuration.
Step 3: Perform basic configuration on Router 2
Perform basic configuration on Router 1 as the gateway router with a hostname, interfaces, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram. Save the configuration.

Step 4: Perform basic configuration on Switch 1
Configure Switch 1 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram.

Step 5: Configure the hosts with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
1. Configure each host with the proper IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
1) Host 1 should be assigned and the default gateway of
2) Host 2 should be assigned and the default gateway of
2. Each workstation should be able to ping the attached router. If the ping was not successful, troubleshoot as necessary. Check and verify that the workstation has been assigned a specific IP address and default gateway.

Step 6: Verify that the network is functioning
  1. From the attached hosts, ping the FastEthernet interface of the default gateway router.
Was the ping from the first host successful? yes
Was the ping from the second host successful? yes
If the answer is no for either question, troubleshoot the router and host configurations to find the error.
Ping again until they are both successful.
  1. Use the command show ip interface brief and check the status of each interface. What is the state of the interfaces on each router?
FastEthernet 0/0: up
Serial 0/0/0: up
Serial 0/0/1: administratively down
FastEthernet 0/0: up
Serial 0/0/0:up
Serial 0/0/1: administratively down
  1. Ping from one of the router connected serial interfaces to the other connected serial interface. Was the ping successful? Jawaban: Ya

Step 7: Configure OSPF routing on R1
  1. Configure an OSPF routing process on router R1. Use OSPF process number 1 and ensure that all networks are in Area 0.
Step 8: Configure OSPF routing on R2
  1. Configure an OSPF routing process on router R2. Use OSPF process number 1 and ensure that all networks are in Area 0.
  2. Examine the R2 running configuration. Did the IOS automatically add any lines under therouter ospf 1 command?Jawaban: yes
Step 8: Test network connectivity
Ping Host 2 from Host 1.
Was it successful?Jawaban:  yes
If the answer is no, troubleshoot to find the error. Ping again until successful.

Step 9: Reflection
  1. What is an advantage of using OSPF as the routing protocol in a networkJawaban: that OSPF is efficient, provides fast convergence, and scales well in large networks.
  2. What is a disadvantage of using OSPF as the routing protocol in a network? Jawaban: that OSPF is more difficult to configure and requires proper planning

CCNA3 - Lab 6.2.2 Configuring OSPF Authentication

Step 1: Connect the equipment
  1. Connect Router 1 Serial 0/0/0 interface to Router 2 Serial 0/0/0 interface using a serial cable.
  2. Connect Router 1 Fa0/0 interface to Switch 1 Fa0/1 port using a straight-through cable.
  3. Connect each PC with a console cable to perform configurations on the router and switches.
  4. Connect Host 1 to the Switch 1 Fa0/2 port using a straight-through cable.
  5. Connect a crossover cable between Host 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of Router 2.
Step 2: Perform basic configuration on the routers
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the routers to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Router 1 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
  3. Configure Router 2 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
Step 3: Configure and verify OSPF on the routers
  1. Configure single area OSPF on R1 and R2. All interfaces will belong to Area 0.
  2. Verify the OSPF configuration using the show ip route command on both routers.
Step 4: Configure and verify OSPF authentication
OSPF allows for both plain text authentication and encrypted authentication.

Step 5: Reflection
  1. Why would OSPF authentication be configured in a network? Jawaban: To prevent unauthorized access to routing information or to prevent unauthorized injection of routing information into the network. Routers in an OSPF area will only form adjacencies with other routers that have authentication set.
  2. Can one OSPF area have different OSPF configuration parameters than another area?Jawaban: Yes, configuration is on a per area basis.
  3. Can a single OSPF router have multiple authentication passwords configured? Jawaban: Yes, different areas can be configured differently as well as different interfaces.

CCNA3 - Lab 6.2.3 Controlling a DR/BDR Election

Step 1: Connect the equipment
Connect each of the router Fa0/0 interfaces to any port on the switch using a straight-through cable.

Step 2: Perform basic configuration on the routers.
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the router to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Routers 1, 2, and 3 with a hostname, and console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table diagram.
Step 3: Configure single area OSPF routing on the routers
Configure basic OSPF routing on the routers. All networks are in Area 0.

Step 4: Verify current OSPF operation
  1. Now that the Ethernet interfaces and OSPF have been configured, OSPF should be operational between the routers. Because this is a multi-access network, a DR/BDR election should have occurred.
  2. Use the show ip ospf neighbor command on all the routers to verify operation. The output should be similar to what is shown below.
Step 5: Configure router loopback interfaces
  1. Configuring loopback interfaces for OSPF operation serves two purposes: 1) Because loopback interfaces are logical interfaces and never go down, it ensures that the router ID will never change. 2) Configuring loopback interfaces allows control over the DR/BDR election.
  2. Configure the loopback interfaces as shown in the addressing table on the first page.
  3. Use the show ip ospf neighbor detail command on R1 to view the DR/BDR status. Have the DR and BDR routers changed?No
  4. Once elected, the DR and the BDR do not change unless the interfaces all cycle or the OSPF processes are reset. Use the clear ip ospf 1 process command on all routers to reset the OSPF processes.
  5. After the processes have been reset, use the show ip ospf neighbor detail command to recheck the DR/BDR status.
Step 6: Use router interface priority to determine DR election
  1. Another method that is used to determine the DR/BDR election is router interface priority. Use the show ip ospf interface command to determine the default priority settings on the routers.
  2. Configure interface priorities on R1 and R2 to determine the DR/BDR election results.
  3. Use the show ip ospf neighbor command to determine the DR and BDR. Have the DR and the BDR changed? No
  4. Use the clear ip ospf 1 process command on all of the routers to reset the OSPF processes.
Step 7: Reflection
List the criteria used from highest to lowest for determining the DR on an OSPF network.Jawaban: Highest is interface priority. Next is highest router ID which is determined by the highest loopback address, or in the event of no loopbacks being configured, it is the highest active interface address.

CCNA3 - Lab 6.2.3 Configuring OSPF Parameters

Step 1: Connect the equipment
Using a crossover serial cable, connect the serial interface of each router to the other routers, as shown in the topology diagram. Note the DTE vs. DCE end of the connection.

Step 2: Perform basic configuration on the routers
  1. Connect a PC to the console port of the routers to perform configurations using a terminal emulation program.
  2. Configure Routers 1, 2, and 3 with a hostname, console, Telnet, and privileged passwords according to the table and topology diagram.
Step 3: Configure single area OSPF routing on the routers
Configure basic OSPF routing on the routers. All networks are in Area 0.

Step 4: Verify current OSPF operation
Now that the serial interfaces and OSPF have been configured, OSPF should be operational between the routers.
  1. Use the show ip route command on all the routers to verify operation. The outputs should be similar to what is shown below. All networks should be listed in the routing table of each router
  2. Use the show interfaces serial 0/0/0 command to determine the bandwidth settings on the serial interfaces.
Step 5: Configure serial interface bandwidth settings
The metric used by OSPF is cost. On Cisco routers, cost is derived from the bandwidth setting on the interfaces.
  1. Configure the bandwidth on the serial 0/0 interface of R1.
  2. Use the show interfaces serial 0/0/0 command on R1.
  3. Again use the show ip route command on R1.
Step 6: Use ospf cost to determine route selection
Another method that is used to determine the path chosen by OSPF is to dictate the cost of an interface.
How is this cost calculated? Jawaban:  There is a T1 (1.544 Mbps) speed link from R1 to R3 and a 64 Kbps link from R3 to get to the network. The cost of the T1 link is 64 (100,000,000 / 1,544,000) and the cost of the 64 Kbps link is 1562 (100,000,000 / 64,000). 64 + 1562 = 1626 total cost of route from R1 to The router to the network via R3 is now 2000 + 64 = 2064.

Step 7: Reflection
  1. What determines the path chosen by OSPF? Jawaban: Lowest cost.
  2. What has a more direct effect on the OSPF cost of a link: the bandwidth setting or the ip ospf cost setting? Jawaban: The ip ospf cost setting.