Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

CCNA 3 labskill chapter 1

Lab 1.2.2 Capturing and Analyzing Network Traffic
Step 1: Connect the routers and configure
Step 2: Connect the host to the switch and configure
Step 3: Verify connectivity using ping
a.       To verify that the network is set up successfully, ping from the host to the server.
b.       If the ping is not successful, verify the connections and configurations again. Check to ensure that all cables are correct and that connections are seated. Check the host, server, and router configurations.
c.       Was the ping successful? Ya, hasil pengepingan sukses

Step 4: Launch Wireshark

Step 5: Ping PDU Capture

Step 6: Examine the Packet List pane

a.       The Packet List pane on Wireshark should now look similar to this:
b.      Look at the packets listed; we are interested in the packets numbered 3 through 10.
c.       Locate the equivalent packets on the packet list on your computer. The numbers may be different.
d.      From the Wireshark Packet List, answer the following questions:

1)   What protocol is used by ping? ICMP
2)   What is the full protocol name? Instruction control management protocol
3)   What are the names of the two ping messages? Replay     and  Request
4)   Are the listed source and destination IP addresses what you expected?
Inthernet Protocol,  Src : ( Dst : (
5)    Why? ya tercantum alamat IP situs yang diharapkan, karena wireshark sudah tersedia program packet list pane dan packet details pane

Step 7: Examine the Packet Details pane

Step 8: Perform an FTP PDU Capture

Step9: Examine the Packet List pane

Step 10: Examine Packet Details and Packet Byte panes

Clicking Continue without Saving closes the file or exits Wireshark without saving the displayed captured data.

As you can see, the details for each section and protocol can be expanded further. Why are there two types?
karena masing masing memiliki fungsi tertentu, meskipun sama sama menampilkan alamat IP address akan tetapi yang pertama berfungsi sebagai koneksi dengan alamat tujuan beserta protocol yang digunakan, sedangkan yang kedua berfungsi sebagai penerjemah dari koneksi ping alamat yang dituju.

What protocols are in the Ethernet frame?
Jawab: HTTP

For example, if the second line (+ Ethernet II) is highlighted in the Details pane, the Bytes pane now highlights the corresponding values.
This example shows the particular binary values that represent that information in the PDU. At this point in the course, it is not necessary to understand this information in detail.

NOTE: Capture Options do not have to be set if continuing from previous steps of this lab.

Step 11: Perform an HTTP PDU Capture

Step 12: Examine the Packet List pane

Step 13: Examine the Packet Details and Bytes panes

Step 14: Analyze the capture

Step 15: Reflection

How are the OSI and TCP/IP Layer models reflected in the captured network data provided by Wireshark?
Pada wireshark disemulasikan proses pengiriman paket data sepertti halnya pada osi layer, akan tetapi pada wireshark dibagi menjadi 3 bagian, paket pertama menetukan secara umum alamat ip address dalam pengiriman data dan menggunakan protocol apa, pada paket ayng kedua jenis nya lebih merinci  kepada alamat yang akan digunakan sebagai pengirim dan penerima, dan pada paket ketiga bit bit data dikalkulasikan sehingga data bisa disimpan dalam bentuk file.

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