Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

CCNA 3 labskill chapter 2

Lab 2.3.5 Configuring Basic Routing and Switching

Step 1: Connect PC1 to the switch

Step 2: Perform an initial configuration on the switch

a.       Configure the hostname of the switch as Switch1.

b.      Set the privileged EXEC mode password to cisco.

c.       Set the privileged EXEC mode secret password to class

d.      Configure the console and virtual terminal lines to use a password and require it at login.

e.       Exit from the console session and log in again. Which password was required? Password yang sudah kita konfigurasikan di console  session yaitu password yang ada pada terminal pertama. password yang digunakan ialahcisco

Why?  Karena pada saat pengaturan kita telah memerintahkan setiap melakukan login pada sebuah terminal maka kita harus memasukkan password. karena untuk mengakses kelas atau host yang telah dibentuk menggunakan konfigurasi pada switch, sehingga kelas tersebut bersifat tertutup, sehingga membutuhkan password untuk login.

Step 3: Configure the switch management interface on VLAN 1

a.       Enter the interface configuration mode for VLAN 1.

b.      Set the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for the management interface.

Why does interface VLAN1 require an IP address in this LAN?  Interface dari VLAN akan memenejmen IP address di setiap computer yang berada di LAN. dibutuhkan alamt IP pada VLAN ini karenamengkonfigurasi dua router dengan menggunakan rute statis dan kemudian menggunakan protokol routing
c.       What is the purpose of the default gateway? Tujuan dari Default gateway adalah untuk melewatkan IP address yang berada di LAN yang berbeda.

Step 4: Verify configuration of the switch

Step 5: Perform basic configuration of router R1

a.       Connect switch port Fa0/3 to interface Fa0/0 of router R1.
b.      Establish a terminal emulation session to router R1 from PC1.
c.       Enter privileged EXEC mode, and then global configuration mode.
d.      Configure the router name as R1.
e.       Disable DNS lookup
Why would DNS lookup be disabled in a lab environment?
karena jika menggunakan DNS IP address yang telah terdaftar saja yang bisa menggunakan jaringan, karena pada pengaturan ini IP address terdaftar secara otomatis.
f.       Configure the EXEC mode password
            Why is it not necessary to use the enable password password command?
karena telah dikonfigurasi sebelumnya , yaitu member password pada pengaturan host, sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi password pada password command.
g.      Configure a message-of-the-day banner using the banner motd command. Where does this banner display? Banner display berada di
h.      Configure the console and virtual terminal lines to use a password and require it at login.

Step 6: Configure interfaces and static routing on router R1
a.       Configure the FastEthernet 0/0 interface with the IP address
b.      Configure the Serial 0/0/0 interface with the IP address Set the clock rate to 64000.
c.       Return to global configuration mode.
d.      Create a static route to enable R1 to reach the network attached to the R2 Fa0/0 interface. Use the next hop interface on R2 as the path to this network.

Why is this static route the only one required?
karena Konfigurasi interface dan statis routing pada router R1 telah mendaftarkan terlebih dahulu IP address statis yang diperlukan.
e.       Return to privileged EXEC mode.
f.       Save the configuration.
g.      Shut down R1.

Step 7: Connect PC2 to router R2

a.       Connect PC2 to the Fast Ethernet interface 0/0 of router R2. What kind of cable is required to connect a host directly to a router Ethernet port?
‘               jenis kabel twisted, atau UTP
b.      Establish a terminal emulation session with router R2 from PC2

Step 8: Perform basic configuration of router R2

Step 9: Connect the internetwork

Step 10: Verify and test the configurations

a.       To verify that PC1 and Switch1 are correctly configured, ping the switch IP address from PC1.
b.      To verify that Switch1 and R1 are correctly configured, ping the router Fa0/0 interface (default gateway) IP address from the Switch1 CLI.
c.        To verify that PC2 and R2 are correctly configured, ping the router Fa0/0 interface from PC2. Were the pings successful? Ya berhasil
d.      Verify that the routing tables have routes to all configured networks by using the show ip route command. What does the “S” indicate?
symbol “S” merupaakn pembatasan hak akses yang berarti security, karena telah dikonfigurasikan pada tahapan awal tadi.
e.       Verify the router interface configurations using the show ip interface brief command. What should the output indicate for correctly configured, active interfaces? jika terminal R1 dan R2 telah terkoneksi
f.       View devices from R1’s terminal session using the show cdp neighbors command. If an additional switch is added between PC2 and R2, would that switch appear in this command output? No. Why or why not?
maka perlu ditambahakn perintah
R2(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0 / 0     
R2 (config-if) # ip address PC2(alamat IP addressnya) 
R2 (config-if) # shutdown tidak

Step 11: Remove Static Route and configure a routing protocol on router R1

Step 12: Remove Static Route and configure a routing protocol on router R2

Step 13: Verify and test the configurations

a.       To verify that PC1 and Switch1 are correctly configured, ping the switch IP address from PC1.
b.      To verify that Switch1 and R1 are correctly configured, ping the router Fa0/0 interface (default gateway) IP address from the Switch1 CLI.
c.       To verify that PC2 and R2 are correctly configured, ping the router Fa0/0 interface from PC2. Were the pings successful?
d.      Verify that the routing tables have routes to all configured networks by using the show ip route command. R2’s routing table should display:
What does the “R” indicate?
On R1, which route would be displayed with an “R”?
jawaban huruf R menunjukkan proses routing yang telah dikonfigurasikan untuk menghubungkan R1 dan R2 pada temapt yang berbeda.

e.       Verify the router interface configurations using the show ip interface brief command.
f.       View devices from R1’s terminal session using the show cdp neighbors command.

Step 14: Use the switch management interface

a.       Open a command prompt on PC1, and enter the telnet command followed by the IP address assigned to management interface VLAN 1.
b.      Enter the vty password configured in Step 2 to gain access to the switch.
c.       At the switch prompt, issue the show version command. Switch1>show version
d.      What is the Cisco IOS version of this switch?
e.       Determine which MAC addresses the switch has learned by using the show mac-address-tablecommand at the privileged EXEC mode prompt.
How can you determine the MAC address belonging to PC1?
dapat dilihat dari table mac address dan lihat computer PC1 .
Does PC1’s MAC address match one in the switch table?  Ya
f.       To allow the switch port FastEthernet 0/1 to accept only one device, configure port security as follows:
g.      Check the port security settings. If a host other than PC1 attempts to connect to Fa0/1, what will happen? akan dimatikan secara otomatis.

h.      Issue the show interfaces command. What is the duplex and speed setting for Fa0/5 now?
i.        Enter quit at the switch command prompt to terminate the Telnet session.

Step 15: Reflection

a.       Describe a situation in which you would use virtual terminal access to manage a switch, as you did in Step 11.
bisa di implementasika pada kantor kecil yang jaraknya dekat atau bersebelahan.
b.      Which symbol is used to show a successful ping in the Cisco IOS software? congratulation

  1. Which commands used in this lab would provide the best documentation for this network? Switch1 # show mac-address-table
d.      This lab gave you an opportunity to review and display your knowledge of configuration commands. If you were asked to state three rules for “best practices” in device configuration, what would they be?
1. Menetukan rute terbaik
2. memilih jenis protocol yang digunakan dan membatasi IP address
3. mendaftarkan MAC address

e.       Erase and reload all devices.

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